Dog management and control within Nhulunbuy and the Industrial Estate is a complex issue. The Nhulunbuy Corporation is responsible for the administration of the Animal Control By-Laws in place in Nhulunbuy.
The By-Laws place an emphasis on public safety and maintaining a congenial living environment. The Nhulunbuy Corporation is focused on education and owner assistance to implement positive communication and long lasting community involvement in the management of dogs within Nhulunbuy and the Industrial Estate.
In adopting and implementing By-Laws and dog control and management policies, the Nhulunbuy Corporation takes into account the following:
- The importance of allowing members of the public to utilise roads, streets and public facilities without fear or apprehension by aggressive, feral or stray dogs
- The importance of reducing dog nuisances to the general community
- Reducing the number of dogs wandering in public areas, recreational areas and places frequented by children
- The recreational and exercise needs of dogs and their owners
- The cost of establishing and the ongoing operational costs of all aspects of animal control and management
In accordance with the Animal Control By-Laws, the Nhulunbuy Corporation has an Animal Management Plan in place. The Animal Management Plan is updated as required and undergoes a review every 3 years.