Please click on the arrow below to see all Planning and Development Fees & Charges.
Nhulunbuy and the Industrial Estate are not covered by the Northern Territory Development Scheme or the Northern Territory Building Act. As such, the Nhulunbuy Corporation administers building and development applications to ensure that they are in line with the requirements of the Special Purpose Leases.
The Nhulunbuy Corporation's Chief Executive Officer ensures that all applications are compliant with the Corporations requirements and the National Construction Code of Australia (NCC) incorporating the latest Building Code of Australia (BCA).
The objective of the NCC and BCA is to ensure acceptable standards of structural sufficiency, fire safety, health and amenity are maintained in all building work. Nhulunbuy is in Cyclone region “C”, terrain category 2.5 minimum and there are specific appendices in the BCA which refer to the requirements for building in this area.
The function of the Chief Executive Officer in administering and enforcing building regulations is to avert or at least minimise the risk of danger to health and safety from sub-standard building work.
The Chief Executive Officer is available to answer any building related questions on (08) 8939 2200.
- Building Application Package
- Application For Development Permit
- New Power Connection in a Non-Operational Area – FRM-ENG-070
- Electrical Energisation Approval – Town and Non-Operational Area FRM-ENG-171
Building Permits and Applications
Every applicant intending to construct a building, alter, add to, repair or underpin, demolish or remove an existing building should obtain a permit before commencing that work, and should refer to the application checklist which outlines the general requirements for each type of application.
A building permit sets conditions on the construction, demolition or alteration of a building. It details your building work and states that your plans are lawful before construction begins. Check the Type of Building Works sheet Guidelines to see if you need a building permit for your project.
Applications for a Development, Building or Demolition Permit can be found under forms. Costs associated with these permits are outlined in the Nhulunbuy Corporations Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Demolition of Structures
Demolition of any building or part of any building requires Demolition Approval from Nhulunbuy Corporations Development & Compliance Officer. This includes the demolition of houses, sheds, garages and commercial buildings.
Construction, replacement or removal of fencing
Please see the following flowchart for information on which permit is required to conduct works on or replace existing fencing.
Shipping Containers
Shipping containers may only be permanently placed on a property in Nhulunbuy as an approved structure by way of a Building Application.
Temporary placement permits can be granted for a maximum period of 14 days to allow for removal deliveries and uplifts.
Pools and spas
As a swimming pool or spa owner, you are responsible for the safety of all persons who may have access to your property. Many drownings occur in swimming pools and spas and you should never take your eyes off your children in and around pools or spas. If you have a swimming pool or spa, you need to provide a safety barrier to restrict access. Tenants also have a responsibility to ensure pools and spas are kept safe.
Nhulunbuy and the Industrial Estate are not governed by the Northern Territory Swimming Pool Safety Act. The Nhulunbuy Corporation has therefore adopted the Australian Standard AS1926.1 as the benchmark for all applications related to swimming pools. The definition for a swimming pool is ‘any structure containing water to a depth greater than 300mm and used primarily for swimming, wading, paddling or the like, including a bathing or wading pool, or spa pool’.
If you wish to construct a structure which can be defined as a swimming pool you will need to complete a Building Application. Please contact the Chief Executive Officer on (08) 8939 2200 for more information.
Shade sails
For determination on whether a shade sail installation requires a Building permit, please contact the Chief Executive Officer on (08) 8939 2200.
Nhulunbuy and the Industrial Estate are not covered by the Northern Territory Development Scheme or the Northern Territory Building Act.